Extravert(9%) Sensing(9%) Feeling(47%) Judging(16%)
My type is characterized as "loyal" and "needs approval from others." I completely completely agree with these characteristics as I feel an extreme loyalty to those who I call my friends, as I would do anything for them, but this is also caused by my desire for them to approve of me. I want them to want to be around me and I often struggle when they choose someone else over me.
One thing I slightly disagree about is I "live in the here and now and dislike theorizing about the future." There have been plenty of times where I have made decisions based off of what I though would happen in the future because of it. However, I try to live in the here in now to bring peace to my mind.
My favorite affirmation considered me honest, considerate, competitive, thoughtful, and hard-working. They also said that I have a strong desire do well and that I will work hard at things that help me succeed. Finally they said that I have a good heart and care about his impact on others.